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10 Benefits of Summer Research Internships – A Guide for Parents

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Completing a summer research internship during high school can be a transformative experience and pave the way for a successful future career. Most young people experience uncertainty as they navigate career choices during high school, so having the opportunity to take a sneak peek into a potential career is pure gold. For students wishing to pursue advanced studies, research internships offer the opportunity to expand knowledge, hone research skills, and establish connections, thereby enriching their academic, personal, and professional development.

There are a wide range of online summer research internships available across diverse disciplines and curricula, from business and law through to medicine and engineering. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of summer research internships for high school students so that you can fully support your child to achieve academic success and make informed career decisions.

1.   Explore academic interests

Igniting children’s interest and motivation in education is critical. Losing interest in school is a common phenomenon that can occur gradually over time, with a lack of relevance or interest in subjects that students are required to take being one of the key causes. So, how can you spark your child’s passion for education in this situation? By allowing them to channel their intellectual curiosity towards the subjects they value the most.

Summer research internships allow high school students to delve deeper subjects subjects that inspire them, such as business and economic growth, medical research, law and competition, and engineering innovation. These studies can solidify a student’s academic choices, raise career aspirations, and enable the development of personal and academic confidence. 

2.   Boost college application success

With college application rates soaring, it becomes even more important that college hopefuls stand out and show schools why they will be a strong student and add value to their community on campus. While most top colleges tend to have similar criteria for admission, there are definitely ways a student can stand out and differentiate themselves from their peers.

Real-world experience as an intern in high school followed by a declared major in the same field shows admissions officers that a student is committed to their chosen career path and education. Prestigious colleges will be seeking students with clear goals and a commitment to success, so referencing a successful summer research internship will demonstrate a commitment to learning and intellectual engagement in action. Co-authoring a research paper with an industry expert or any awards and accolades for strong performance will further reinforce a student’s candidacy.

Another distinct advantage of completing a research internship is the opportunity to secure a glowing recommendation letter. All colleges require references on admission applications and these become particularly important when targeting prestigious schools where competition is fierce. Internship instructors can speak to an intern’s abilities and competencies in their chosen field and give a strong sense of character, which could swing an admission decision the right way.

3.   Improve research skills

If your child is passionate about a career in the research field, having the right skill set is going to ensure they soar in this environment. By actively participating in a research project, high school students can hone key skills and gain practical experience that will be beneficial when completing their dissertation or other capstone projects at university or in the professional world.

Here are some research-specific skills that interns will gain and enhance if they decide to complete a research internship over the summer break:

  • ·Academic writing. High school students reported that they significantly improved their skills and confidence in the area of academic writing following completion of a research internship. The ability to articulate thoughts and arguments clearly, concisely, and logically is a fundamental skill that will never be obsolete.


  • ·Research skills. Learning how to find and critically evaluate information enables students to secure a deeper understanding of their chosen subject and, in turn, enhances other related skills, such as problem-solving and time management.


  • ·Technical skills. In an increasingly digital world, students need to be technically proficient and have an awareness of emerging technologies. In terms of research, this could relate to data handling and management, statistical analysis, and the use of general software packages, such as word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet software.


4.   Optimize soft skills

Soft skills are characteristics and personality traits that relate to how a student completes their work, often revolving around how they interact with others. These are qualities that are typically developed over time as students experience and react to different situations. Soft skills are prized as they can ensure a crucial marginal gain in performance when all else is equal.

Here are three key soft skills that students who participate in a summer research internship can benefit from:

  • Critical thinking. Finding the right way forward when multiple solutions seem equally plausible is a vital skill. If you have the ability to absorb the views of those around you as well as perform your own research in the right places, the optimal result will come.


  • Collaboration. The best results are achieved when you work effectively with others towards a common goal. Active listening, idea-generation, and gaining exposure to diverse perspectives are all part of the collaborative process when completing a summer research internship.


  • Communication. Expressing ideas clearly and concisely, formulating arguments, asking questions, and presenting persuasive arguments are valuable communication skills that are critical when working in the field of research.


5.   Secure mentorship and networking opportunities

Summer research internships provide access to experienced mentors, professors, and industry professionals who can offer invaluable guidance and support. Working with world-class instructors is an inspiring experience for many high school students and can fuel their career aspirations. Whether they decide to drive innovation and advancement in science or become a thought leader and industry influencer, the opportunity to work with experts in business, medicine, law, or STEM-related careers can really inspire high school students to follow their dreams.

Building relationships with mentors and peers can also open doors for future opportunities and provide academic connections, laying the foundation for long-term professional relationships. This could involve a future internship or referral for a longer-term role in the future, ongoing mentoring, or insightful guidance on completing a college application. As Isaac Newton famously said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

6.   Prepare for college                                              

The transition from high school to college is known as a difficult adjustment for many students, but knowing what to expect and being prepared can help young people navigate this process easier. High school can feel like a very controlled environment, but college flips the narrative in terms of placing students in control of their academic choices and approach to their studies.

Research internships provide a glimpse into the academic demands and standards of college programs. Having a sneak peek into college-level coursework and the dynamics of collaborating with fellow interns provides students with a good understanding of the academic and research environment at universities, thereby ensuring they are prepared for higher education.

7.   Avoid choosing the wrong college major

High school students juggle multiple mandatory subjects in school and do not normally have sufficient exposure to potential careers to make informed decisions about their future. While a foundational education is important, so too is the opportunity to test out academic interests. On a summer research internship, students will have the opportunity to better understand their unique interests and abilities, and solidify their career choices. Without this experience it can be easy to view a potential career through rose-tinted glasses, and all but impossible to make informed career decisions when applying to university and choosing a college major.

According to a recent survey, three-fourths of high school graduates said they were moderately, slightly, or not at all prepared to make college or career decisions after graduation, and 53% changed their college major at least twice. As college has become one of the most expensive purchases in our lifetimes, it has become even more important for high school students to fully explore their interests and talents before enrolling in college. Research internships provide this bridge by introducing career-related subjects not usually covered in high school, allowing students to make better academic and career decisions.

8.   Advance personal growth and confidence

Participating in research and tackling the complexities of scientific inquiry as a high school student can foster a strong sense of achievement. An internship can challenge an individual to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, which enhances personal growth and confidence levels.

A research internship could involve conducting experiments and making discoveries or may require a participant to take on a leadership role. Curiosity is ignited and a sense of accomplishment follows as a student achieves these new goals with full support from a trusted mentor. This experience also allows students to envisage themselves in their future career, providing the motivation to follow their career aspirations and instill a sense of self-belief that they will achieve their career goals.

9.   Complete an online summer research internship

Virtual internships offer the chance for students to complete research in a flexible, convenient, and cost-effective way, with zero impact to high school studies. Whether students live overseas or in the same country, summer research internships provide a best-in-class intern experience, with the added benefit of gaining access to world-class experts and collaborating with interns across the globe.

10.   Contribute to scientific knowledge

Even at an early point in an academic career, engaging in research contributes to scientific knowledge and understanding. As a high school researcher, research efforts can lead to new insights, discoveries, or advancements in a specific field, adding to a collective body of scientific research. As research is considered the pinnacle of academic achievement, imagine how impressive co-authoring a published research report at such an early stage of a student’s studies will look on college and future job applications!

Conclusion - Benefits of summer research internships

In summary, summer research internships offer high school students a valuable and flexible opportunity to explore academic interests and decide whether a specific research career path is the right fit. Being informed about career decisions, as well as showing a commitment to continual learning and intellectual challenge can only bolster applications to prestigious colleges.

Research internships also facilitate the development of essential skills, establish professional networks, foster personal growth, and enable contribution to scientific knowledge. By seizing these opportunities, students can lay a strong foundation for future success in their academic and professional pursuits.


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