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How to Get the Most out of Your Online Summer Course

Child learning from a teacher online

One of the obvious benefits of taking online courses is that you can study an academic course wherever, whenever, and however you want. Convenience isn’t the only benefit of online learning. Reduced education costs, increased course variety, greater focus on teamwork, and a flexible schedule are some of the other pro’s to bear in mind. However, with pro’s come cons! So, it’s also important to consider the challenges associated with this educational medium.


In this article, we will share some expert tips and tricks to help you maximize the benefits of your online summer course and minimize potential challenges. This will ensure you get the most value out of your online learning experience and take positive steps toward your educational and career goals.

Remember it’s an actual course

Just because you take a course virtually doesn’t mean that it is any less real. Similar to an in-person course, actively participating and engaging with the course material and assignments will impact how much you learn and the quality of any recommendation letters you receive. With this in mind, you should award an online course the seriousness it deserves. Showing up on time every class — if not five minutes early — completing assignments on time, and ensuring work of the highest standards will impress your instructor and increase your learning effectiveness, concentration, and performance.

Choose the right course

Selecting the right course will ensure you make the most out of your online summer learning and avoid the dreaded summer learning loss. If a course is too easy or difficult this is unlikely to be a positive experience. For example, if you complete a very basic online summer course and refer to this as an extracurricular activity on your college application, an astute reviewer may wonder why you’re not challenging yourself. Equally, selecting a course that is too difficult is likely to leave you frustrated and disappointed in any poor performance.


If you find yourself in an online class mismatched with your abilities, inquire about the possibility of transferring to a more appropriate level. Better still, inquire with the summer school before you enroll to assess whether the course will be suitable and check that there are opportunities to transfer or postpone the class in the event of incompatibility with your skills and abilities.

Planner and computer

Manage your time effectively

Effective time management is critical when taking online academic courses. Whether you complete your online summer course daily or weekly, you will have regular tasks to complete outside of class, including homework, individual assignments, and group projects. Planning ahead can help you stay on top of course material, avoid procrastination, and remove the risk of stress and anxiety. Create a study plan as well as a schedule that outlines assigned tasks with completion dates to help you stay on track and maximize your time.

Be accountable

Accountability will give you a clear measure of success. Being accountable helps you stay proactive, organized, and improves your conscientiousness – a great recipe to make the most out of your online summer course. Academic accountability can be achieved by setting concrete goals at the beginning of your course, as well as creating actionable plans to achieve these objectives. However, be sure that the goals you set are realistic, and therefore achievable.


Regular evaluations, either weekly or bi-weekly, can help you to measure your progress and make adjustments as needed. Often a teacher, internship program instructor, or family member can be a great support to help you assess whether you are on track to achieve your goals and provide insightful advice when you are facing any challenges. Having someone monitor your work will enhance your accountability which will play a crucial role in helping you get the most out of your online academic studies.

Prepare your equipment

Getting your resources ready will demonstrate your commitment to your online course. Before you start the course, check that you have all the equipment you need and that everything is in working order. This might include your PC or laptop, webcam and microphone, books, notepads, multicolor pens, and internet service as well as any required software and apps. Technical issues are stressful and could result in you falling behind in your studies, which won’t make a great first impression.

Focus on single-tasking

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking can be the enemy of efficiency as it leads to a lack of focus and reduced productivity. Rather than trying to do multiple things at once, it’s better to set aside time exclusively for a single work-related task. Adopting the single-tasking approach allows you to channel your attention on the task at hand, which is particularly important when mastering novel concepts. This in turn leads to improved performance and better academic grades. When completing a tricky task, make sure you also schedule appropriate breaks to allow you to refocus and recharge.

Organize your work space

When undertaking online summer courses, ensure that you have a dedicated space that is conducive to studying. First of all, it is important to be comfortable while you are studying, so choose an environment that works for you. It can be at your kitchen table, bedroom desk, home office, public library, or even a quiet table at a local cafe. Assess the different working spaces available to you and see which one works best. When choosing your workspace, ensure it is sufficiently quiet, has good lighting, dependable internet access, and will allow you to work without interruption.


Your workspace should also be well-organized and arranged so that key resources are easily accessible. These resources could include files, books, calendars and schedules, stationary, speakers, and headphones. Finally, keep this space neat and tidy. When your working environment is organized it allows you to focus better and feel more organized too.

Remove any distractions

Our daily lives are characterized by many distractions that drain our attention, including technology and social interactions. Giving in to these distractions can interrupt your study plan and derail your study progress and productivity. The best way to get the most value out of your online summer course is to create an environment that has minimal distractions.


Some distractions can simply be avoided such as social media or Netflix. You can for instance turn off push notifications from apps on your phone, turn it to silent mode, or turn it off altogether when it’s time to study. Another trick is to refrain from navigating to streaming sites or social media platforms from your work computer. If you make it the rule that you don’t do that while on ‘that’ computer, the temptation will be easier to avoid. Ensure you also let your family know that you are not to be disturbed during your course. Adopting these approaches will help you build your self-discipline and allow you to fully focus on your online course.

Child taking online course

Understand how you learn best

As a student, it is important to become self-aware of your own psychology and figure out the best practices that facilitate your learning. Specific learning practices are different for everyone. For instance, if you’re an early morning person, then commit to waking up early and completing your studies. For night owls, studying in the evening may be better, but you should balance this with ensuring that you get enough sleep.


There are four key learning styles, so it’s important to identify which approaches work for you and then adopt the best learning style(s) for your online summer course:

  • Visual learning. Visual learners find that they absorb information best via graphics in order to see the big picture, such as the use of arrows, charts, graphs, diagrams, and symbols.

  • Auditory learning. Often known as "aural" learners, these individuals prefer to listen to information, such as reading aloud to themselves or participating in group conversations.

  • Reading & writing. These learners achieve success via written material, including worksheets, presentations, and other text-based materials, as well as taking notes and then referring back to this written material.

  • Kinesthetic learning. Hands-on leaners, who flourish by using their senses in their academic studies. These students typically perform well in scientific investigations such as lab work and incorporate body movement and physical interaction to solidify concepts in their minds.

Actively participate

Participation is crucial when taking an online course, just as it is in a traditional classroom. Make sure that you attend every class to show your commitment. While in class, make comments, post in the online discussion board, ask plenty of questions, and discuss points with your classmates. By actively engaging in the course, you will increase your understanding, raise your overall performance, and make friends too.


Actively participating in class will also allow your instructor to accurately assess your learning progress and provide constructive feedback if required. Note that if you face any difficulties when taking an online course and don’t consult with your instructor, they will likely assume that you are doing ok. Keep in mind that whenever you have a question, there are likely to be several other students who have the same question and are hoping that someone else will ask it, and when you do they will be grateful. So make sure to ask your instructor directly in class, via chat, or email for help if needed. The overall result will be that you get more out of your summer course.

Establish a network 

On a virtual course, it can be tempting to keep things impersonal, but instead try to view this as an opportunity to meet like-minded friends and build a network. Getting to know your classmates and suggesting a virtual study group are great ways to break the ice, and also will be beneficial when group discussions and projects become part of your studies.


Start off by introducing yourself to the class and participating in discussions. Working in groups will provide you with fresh perspectives, the drive to produce better outcomes, and benefit your assignment work. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinions during these interactions as this will help you progress faster and further on the course. And of course, be sure to keep in contact with your new friends after class finishes to maintain your network.

Focus on the positives

Naturally, it’s better to choose the perfect course before you enroll. But if things aren’t perfect, focus on the positive aspects of your course and what you like about it. Studies have shown that a positive attitude can impact academic achievement and learning. If you feel that a summer course isn’t directly relevant to your future studies, try to think of any transferable skills and experience that you can apply as you move forward in your academic studies and career. Honing your communication skills, working in group situations, and organizing your workload effectively could be included in this remit. This mindset will ensure your online summer course provides you with the most value.

Child learning from teacher

Have fun!

The decision to enroll in an online summer course is often academic, but it’s an opportunity to have fun too. Choosing to study a subject that you are passionate about or strongly interested in can be extremely motivating and with high enthusiasm you are likely to perform well in terms of results. For example, if you’re passionate about creative writing then an online summer course can be a whole lot of fun by learning from great authors, weaving an intricate web of plot lines, and unlocking your creativity. When you’re having fun, you are able to take in more of what you are being taught and this will increase your commitment to achieving your academic goals.

Review and reflect

Set aside some time to review and reflect on your learning experience. Take note of what you have learned and what you have struggled with, and do so at regular intervals. You can then complete some revision sessions on any areas you want to improve on. Reviewing what you have already learned at regular intervals will also help you remember key information and make it easier for you to comprehend what you are learning. Create note cards with important notes as a revision tool.

Key takeaways - Get the most out of your online summer course

Learning how to study online is an essential skill for the 21st century, and there’s no better time to start honing this skill than right now. Online summer courses offer a flexible and convenient way to continue your education and have fun too.


By following these tips, you can make the most out of your online summer course, stay motivated, and achieve your academic goals. Furthermore, much of the tips and tricks discussed here can be applied to any in-person classes as well. With the right approach, an online summer course can be a rewarding and enriching experience that better prepares you for college and beyond.


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