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How to Make the Most of Your Summer Camp Experience

Middle school kids at camp  in a circle

Summer camps are important for child development as they promote independence and offer the opportunity to establish new, and potentially lifelong, friendships. Attending summer camp not only allows kids to learn critical life skills, but also explore their interests and career choices too across pre-college academics, sports, arts, adventure and much more.

But as enjoyable and valuable as summer camp can be, many kids and parents will be apprehensive and even anxious about what to expect. What will camp be like? Who will I meet? Will summer camp be a worthwhile experience? As a parent or child, the answers to these questions can help you choose the right summer camp and alleviate your concerns.

This guide provides practical tips for both parents and kids to ensure they make the most out of a summer camp experience. Let’s start with our top tips for parents.

Summer camp tips for parents

Parents want to provide kids with the best opportunities to thrive with respect to their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Summer camps tick these boxes by exposing kids to new experiences that can help them grow and develop into confident young adults. However, many kids (and parents!) are anxious about going to summer camp and might not make the most out of their experience as a result. As such, it can be extremely important to provide a positive outlook on summer camp and have some open conversations with your child.

Here are some tips to help you get these conversations started:

Start talking about summer camp early

The earlier you start talking to your child about summer camp, the better. Discussing what your child can expect when they attend camp can  help reassure them and more fully prepare for their summer camp experience. Ask your kids plenty of questions to find out what they would value and enjoy about a camp, so you can find the one that will be the best fit.

Sometimes, even the most experienced campers can find camp overwhelming. Your child might be spending time away from home and is likely to feel homesick, especially if it's their first time at an external summer camp. Day camps or overnight camps are a great tester experience and can help kids feel more comfortable about attending a longer camp over the summer.

Another great option are online summer camp courses, especially for very anxious kids who might not feel ready to take the plunge and attend an in-person camp. Once a child has had a positive experience on a virtual summer camp course, this can serve as a stepping stone to participating in an external camp. Online programs offer a wide range of topics, from creative writing to computer science and much more. Added to that, they are extremely convenient and cost-effective. 

Research summer camps

Take some time to research different camps and fully explore your options. Finding out about the specific activities provided at summer camp, such as science, sport, or art classes, will help you find a camp ideally suited to your child's interests. Camps with high quality standards, particularly in terms of safety and supervision, will be on your radar. Positive online reviews from past attendees and licensing with local, state, or accrediting bodies will give you a good sense of the camp provider’s reputation.

Involve your child in decision making

Kids are more invested when involved in a decision-making process. After all your child will be the one attending summer camp, so it makes sense that they have input in terms of which camp they prefer. That doesn’t mean you can’t provide some guidance, but empowering your child to make their own decisions will build their confidence and pave the way for a positive summer camp experience. If you have attended a summer camp in the past, it’s a good idea to share any positive experiences with your kids. This helps to create a vivid picture of camp life.

Manage your anxiety

Naturally parents worry about their kids, especially when they are going to be away from home. Try to avoid sharing your worries with your child in this situation. If you start to stress about whether or not your child is going to enjoy summer camp, this can feed into their anxiety. Focus on the positives. Talk about how fun the experience will be, the new friends they will meet, and the exciting things they can learn. Make sure that you emphasize the importance of having an open mind in order to make the most out of this exciting opportunity.

Organize sleepovers & outdoor activities

Before your child heads off to summer camp, it's a great idea to introduce them to the idea of sleeping away from home. You could do this by arranging sleepovers with trusted friends or family. Kids will get a taste of what summer camp will be like as well as feel more comfortable about spending time away from home.

Preparation for summer camp can help kids quickly adjust to the new experiences and challenges they will face. For example, preparing for an adventure camp could involve a family camping trip, hiking, or outdoor sports, such as swimming or kayaking. This will build your child’s confidence and enable them to easily transition into camp life.

Be prepared

Being prepared for any health-related issues will make sure both you and your child feel more confident as they head off to summer camp. For example, if your child has allergies or medical conditions you should provide this information to the camp director and equip your child with any resources they need to manage this situation.

Summer camps involving physical activities will require protective clothing and accessories. This could include swimwear, sports shoes, protective eyewear, or hiking boots, as well as the standard sunscreen and hat. Check the kit requirements and equip your child with these items, along with a few home comforts, so that they have a safe and enjoyable camp experience.

Establish clear goals

Establishing goals can ensure your child stays focused and motivated during their stay at camp. This could involve gaining new skills and making friends or improving academic performance in specific areas, such as math or English. Allow your child to establish their own goals (check out our tips for kids below and how to set SMART goals) as this will make them more motivated to achieve these key milestones.

Discuss responsibility with your child

Kids are kids, and may be tempted to experiment during their summer camp stay. Make sure you talk about responsible choices and let them know the risks involved if they decide to make bad decisions, such as drinking alcohol or taking drugs. In addition, discuss safety issues while being away from home, such as caution with strangers, travelling in groups, and not sharing personal information.

Create a journal

Summer camps offer a unique experience and something that your child will look back on with fond memories. Help them record their memories by encouraging them to make a  journal or scrap book of the camp experience. This could include pictures, souvenirs, and even some creative writing. This way, they can remember all the amazing experiences they've had while at camp and share them with their friends and family when they return home.

Keep in touch

Today's technology makes staying in touch with your kids while they're away easier than ever. Check in with them regularly, but not too often! This will give you a great insight into how the camp is going and allow you to provide support if needed. If your child knows you are only a phone call or message away, they are likely to be more relaxed and confident at camp. It’s also reassuring as a parent to be able to get in touch with your child and ensure that everything is going well. Double check summer camp policy on cell phones and use of electronics, so you can pack some postcards and stamps just in case! 

Summer camp tips for kids

Whether summer camp is a great experience does depend on each participant’s attitude and expectations. With this in mind, if you’re a high schooler about to attend a summer camp, it’s good to know the best ways to make the most out of your experience. Here are some tips to maximize your time during summer camp and create positive memories:

Interact with campmates

Camps are a great place to meet new people and learn about different cultures. As such, you should embrace the chance to make new friends and throw yourself into activities with fellow campers. Through summer camp, you’ll not only learn something new but also expand your social circle. For example, if you’re passionate about all things scientific, you could attend a STEM-focused camp and meet like-minded students who you can keep in touch with.

Open yourself up to new experiences

Summer camp provides an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. While rock climbing or completing a research project may seem a little overwhelming at first, embracing these challenges can give you a real confidence boost and expand your horizons.  

Before you go to summer camp, it’s a good idea to think about what you want to get out of the experience by establishing some goals. The SMART approach is a great tool you can use to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. For example:

Specific: Complete the full ropes course by the end of camp.

Measurable: I plan to start on the beginner level and monitor my progress, before moving onto the higher level.

Achievable: With instructors' help and practice, this goal is realistic.

Relevant: I want to be more confident as I am fearful of heights.

Time-bound: I plan to achieve my goal by the end of camp.

Setting goals for yourself at summer camp will not only prepare you for camp, it will also help with personal growth, learning, and embracing new challenges.

Take a friend

While you shouldn’t close yourself off to meeting new people, heading off to summer camp with someone you know can enrich your camp experience too. Check with your friends if they are interested in attending summer camp and ask your parents to get in touch with each other to see if this can be arranged. This will make you feel more comfortable and confident about attending summer camp, which in turn can allow you to make other friends quickly.

Boost your academics

Many summer camps offer unique courses such as, business, medicine, law, and international relations. These classes are designed to allow kids to pursue subjects that interest them and be prepared for future career paths. For example, attending an in-person or virtual summer camp course in engineering will allow you to explore your interest in this field as a career, meet like-minded people, and look great on your college application.

Ask plenty of questions

Nobody expects you to be great at everything, so don’t be afraid to ask plenty of questions when you arrive at summer camp. This will allow you to learn new things as well as create positive relationships with your campmates and instructors. Most summer camps offer courses for kids across specific age groups as well as varying skill levels, so you’ll be with your peers and can support each other across camp activities.

Reflect on your experience

Summer camp will inevitably come to an end, but you’ll have made some great memories and there’s always next year! Reflecting on what you learned, enjoyed, and even disliked is important to take forward as you return to normal life. Perhaps your summer camp course in creative writing has inspired you to complete a script writing course or apply to the school newspaper. Planning ahead will ensure these new skills and talents don’t fall by the wayside.

Key takeaways to make the most of your summer camp

Summer camp experiences can be enriching, providing kids with unique opportunities to learn and make friends. As a parent, it's important to ensure that your child gets the most out of their experience by helping them set realistic goals and encouraging them to challenge themselves. This could involve completion of an inspiring online summer course, an exhilarating adventure camp, or both!

Equally important is that your child feels involved in choosing their camp and is not overly anxious about the summer camp experience. Conducting research, having open conversations, practice sleepovers, and involving your child in preparations for camp can help to quell anxiety and increase excitement about summer courses.

From a kid’s perspective, summer camp can be a daunting prospect. Having an understanding of what summer camp will involve, establishing SMART goals, and being open to new people and challenges will ensure that those anxious feelings quickly fade once camp starts. Summer camp is a great way to prepare for college and beyond, so apply our top tips and ensure you make the most out of a summer camp experience.


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